Vendor Resources
Kansas Grown! Market Resources
The governing rules of our nonprofit organization.
All members (and their employees) must agree to and abide by our market's rules and regulations.
For members who resell products supplied by other producers; these products must be produced within the state of Kansas, and pre-approved by market management.
Derby Market Stall Map
Federal & State Guidelines
For Growers & Food Producers
Requirements for vendors selling food products direct-to-consumer in Kansas; including information about how to obtain KDA licenses, if needed.
This fact sheet aims to clarify regulations for the food products most commonly sold by Kansas food producers and processors.
Federal, state, and local guidelines for operating your business.
Regulations for providing food samples at Kansas farmers markets.
Food testing, Nutrition Facts Panel Generation, Process Authority services, and more.
Signed into law by congress in 2011, FSMA aims to protect public health by improving the nation's food safety system by shifting the focus from responding to foodborne illness, to preventing it.
Selling canned, shelf-stable foods such as pickles, jams, jellies, or salsa.
Federal and state regulations for selling frozen & dehydrated produce commodities.
Information about best practices to maintain safety standards for products sold by local food entrepreneurs.
Licensing requirements, regulations, legal resources, FSMA resources, and more.
Canning, curing, smoking, dehydrating, food businesses, freezing, jams/jellies, pickling, and more.
FSMA guidance, auditing, safety, webinars, free water testing, and EPA WPS resources.
For meat, dairy, egg, and jerky producers. Including consumer guides, labeling guidelines, food safety, USDA guidance, and other resources.
Requirements for selling pet treats in the state of Kansas.
Information on selling live plants in the state of Kansas.
Virtual workshops where you can learn more about selling at farmers' markets, food safety, sales taxes, beneficial programs, and more. Sign up for a live workshop, or view archived recordings & resources!
Business Resources
Register your business, receive your Sales Tax Registration Certificate, and file sales tax returns online.
FREE resources for launching your business!
FREE training and resources for small businesses.
Learn about social media, state taxes, intellectual property, QuickBooks, marketing, and more!
Free advice from business mentors, weekly webinars, and a training library to help you grow your small business.
Incubator kitchens, which are food facilities that have multiple users, can be a good resource for small food business startups.
Learn more about the different Point of Sale (POS) Systems available for small businesses.
A 5-Step Guide for those who want to get started accepting payments with Square.
Business Insurance
Members are required to carry liability insurance for their business with a minimum coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 aggregate, and must provide an updated certificate of liability insurance each year listing "Kansas Grown! Inc." as additional insured.
Kansas Grown! Inc. is not responsible for any loss or damage incurred by vendors.
Kansas Grown! Inc’s Market General Liability policy does not extend coverage to the vendors. If someone is injured by a vendor’s activities or products, the vendor must rely solely on their own Liability insurance policy. Please consult your insurance provider to ensure that you are properly insured for your activities as a vendor at our farmers markets, as well as any other events that you might attend.
There are a variety of different policies available for vendors starting at as little as $50 for a "show policy" (with 1-5 days coverage), around $275 for a 6-month policy (for those only doing business during the summer months), or anywhere from $300-650 per year depending on risk & exposure, sales volume, business type, etc.
The Farmers Market Coalition has put together an excellent resource for farmers market vendors, explaining the different types of insurance policies available, and what they cover. (
Local Insurance Brokers:
Krueger Insurance - Newton, KS. Casie Powell, 316-283-9100, casie@kruegerinsurance.com
Insurance Partners of Kansas (IPK) - Wichita, KS. Cheri Wisdom, 316-686-6666, cheri@ipkansas.com
M&M Insurance - Wichita, KS. 316-264-9317
State Farm - Wichita, KS. Therese C. Walburn, 316-721-8822, therese.c.walburn.vad4js@statefarm.com
OR - Purchase a Policy Online:
Campbell Risk Management - For farmers market vendors, exhibitors, and concessionaires
Food Liability Insurance Program (FLIP) - For food businesses of all types
Additional Insured (FLIP) - Click here to add Kansas Grown! as additional insured, and get a certificate of insurance.
ACT Insurance (Artists, Crafters, and Tradesmen) - For artists, crafters, jewelers, sculptors, clothing vendors, etc.
Additional Insured (ACT) - Click here to add Kansas Grown! as additional insured, and get a certificate of insurance.
Community, Advocacy, & Grants
Do you sell fresh and unprocessed fruits, vegetables, herbs, or honey? If so, you have an opportunity to be authorized to accept checks from participants in the Kansas Senior Farmers Market Program (KSFMNP).
Connecting Kansans with local food producers, providing education, and facilitating the development a strong local food system through leadership and networking opportunities. Check out their Local Food Directory!
Growing Growers ICT - for aspiring fruit and vegetable producers who desire a personalized coaching experience to learn foundational concepts and connect to the local grower community, helping them develop profitable farms and effective garden projects.
From the Land of Kansas is the state trademark program designed to promote and celebrate agricultural experiences and products grown, raised or produced in Kansas. The From the Land of Kansas brand makes it easier for people to find and support Kansas-made products and Kansas-based businesses.
Protecting, defending, and broadening the rights and viability of independent farmers, artisanal food producers, and their consumers.
Offering information on how to start a farm, planning a new farm, funding resources, and finding land to start your farm on.
This garden guide (Courtesy of K-State Research & Extension) will assist in achieving a successful home garden.
The Kansas Healthy Food Initiative (KHFI) is a public-private partnership that aims to increase access to affordable, healthy food to improve the health and economic development of Kansans and their communities.
Grants, cost share opportunities and other programs that can aid and assist Kansas farmers, ranchers and agribusinesses.
A competitive grant program for farmers and ranchers to explore sustainable solutions to problems.